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Korean Judo (Yudo): What Is It?

Judo is a martial art, an Olympic sport, and a method of self-defense. Although the throwing art is well-known worldwide and has roots on the Asian continent, are its origins the same everywhere? What is Korean Yudo (Judo), specifically?

A variation of Japanese Judo practiced in South Korea is called Korean Judo (Yudo). Japanese and Korean have different sounds, which affects how they are spoken. The two looks, though, are very similar. Both follow the same international sports governing bodies’ guidelines.

Nevertheless, there are a few minor differences in both language and application. The path taken by the Japanese martial art to reach the peninsula is equally fascinating. Continue reading to learn more about this and other Yudo features.

Is Judo Japanese or Korean?

Does the fact that Judo has the same name in Korea and Japan have anything to do with the fact that the style itself is different? Is judo a Korean or Japanese art form?

Judo is a Japanese martial art based on traditional Jujustu methods that could be executed quickly without endangering skilled training partners. Despite being a Japanese art, Judo has expanded to Korea and other countries through conquering, sport, and cultural interchange.

South Korea’s version of the game is known as Korean Yudo. The difference in the name’s ‘Y’ is primarily due to linguistic and phonetic differences. The international sport regulation system is the identical, and some Koreans who practice with them even adopt many of the Japanese names for the throws.

Korean Judo-dojos have been known to exclusively use Korean language. Even though the names vary each competitions, the techniques all seem to be the same. Some organizations may train in some particularly Korean techniques, although they usually only employ them for self-defense, not for competition.

Senior martial art master in his dojo Senior martial art master in his dojo Korean Judo、 stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images

judo against judo

So, since Korean Yudo and Japanese Judo are nearly identical, are there any differences between the two and what are they?

Both Judo and Yudo have the identical rule systems in international sports. International and Olympic Judo committees oversee the sport. There are accusations that Yudo places more of an emphasis on newaza, or ground grappling techniques, in self defense. However, this isn’t a quality that Yudo is known for.

What distinguishes a ground grappling focus from a standing throwing concentration? There are a few things to think about…

Judo rules apply in all sporting events, therefore both parties are essentially standing and throwing in those circumstances.

Individual practitioners may concentrate more on the ground moves when practicing for self-defense or other non-sporting purposes.

This may have less to do with the style itself and more to do with cultural or modern trend considerations.

Additionally, there may occasionally be minor differences in the grips, entrances, and pivots used for Korean vs. Japanese Judo throws. Because these variances are typically small, this typically doesn’t give a competitive advantage that can be felt.

Judo only just a few techniques, hence to win, one must simply time and execute their moves better than their opponent. The majority of competitors concentrate on a small number of methods for their offense and defense. Small differences typically disappear.

For adults, this means that even if some people train Korean or Japanese jujitsu slightly differently, they will largely look the same. Kids won’t notice much of a difference because the majority of the differences between the two involve submissions that don’t apply to them.

Where Are The Origins Of Judo And Yudo?

A martial fighting style is present in almost all cultures and has been employed by armies for centuries. That art is known as Jujustu or Jujitsu in Japan. It was created over several generations of combatants. How are judo and jujutsu related?

Judo evolved from Jujitsu because its creator Jigoro Kano chose the maneuvers that could be practiced swiftly on opponents who were resisting without seriously hurting them. The color belt system, the most well-known martial arts icon, was soon born out of this sport’s development.

The Japanese Samurai combat style and the Jujitsu motions that were derived from it are the roots of the jacket throwing system that is currently practiced in Japan, Korea, and other parts of the world.

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Empty-handed striking was ineffective against wooden breastplates and helmets when combatants faced armored foes and lost their swords, naginatas, or spears. The preferred fighting style was grappling, with its joint-locks, strangulations, and throws.

Judo was created as a martial art in much later, peaceful times. It originated with jujutsu.

What Path Led Judo To Korea?

Japan formally seized the Korean peninsula in 1910. Though it had started a few years previously when Korea became a protectorate of Japan, the Japanization of Korea and its people was finally put into practice in 1910.

Between 1910 and 1945, judo as a sport contributed to Korea becoming more Japanese. Japan established initiatives to promote Japanese culture in addition to ruling the Korean peninsula through the Governor-General of Korea. Korean martial arts were forbidden, whereas Judo, Kendo, and Karate were required.

Judo has undoubtedly had a significant impact on South Korean society, even though its introduction was less than ideal from a historical perspective. Judo in Korea is a very well-liked martial art, and Korea fields Judo competition teams for all significant international competitions.

Despite the troubled history between Korea and Japan, the majority of Judo practitioners in Korea adhere to the principles and leadership of the Kodokan in Tokyo. Jigoro Kano established this as the major headquarters and training facility in the early 1900s.

Korean Judo is well-liked in Korea and among Korean Judoka who compete internationally. From young children to college students, Judo is taught in schools as a subject. Taekwondo, Kendo, and Judo are all part of the Yong In University’s well-known athletics program.

I was astounded by the facilities at Yong In University when I visited.

Judo practice area. It is designed after the Kodokan training hall in Japan and features elevated stadium seating encircling a large, central floor covered in mats.

The instruction in other martial arts was excellent, and Judo was at an outstanding level. Judo participation and proficiency levels are not comparable to those of this one South Korean institution in many other nations.

The fact that Korean universities like YIU offer complete degree programs in the martial arts may surprise many people, as it did me. The College of the Martial Arts is one of the university’s five colleges. The Korean Yudo demonstration and competitive teams can be found there.

Does Korea Have a Judo Team?

A nation’s Judo program typically includes participation in international competition. What does it mean for South Korea that all major nations have judo teams?

A very successful and well-liked Judo team represents South Korea.

Every major competition that the South Korean national judo team competes in, they are a medal contender. Since the opening Judo Olympic event in 1964, when Kim Eui-tae won bronze, Korea has sent a team every time.

The worldwide Korean Judo team serves as an ambassador for the Korean people and culture in addition to raising international interest in Korean sports. Many different countries experience a similar issue.

Is Korea Competent in Judo?

Over the years, Korea has produced a large number of outstanding judo teams and athletes. They pose a medal podium threat in almost every competition they join.

Korea has an excellent international judo squad that performs well in nearly all weight divisions. Over the years, a number of outstanding judoka have come from Korea. They are a remarkable team with a wide range of potential world champions.

Every year, they field a strong team in addition to some outstanding standout athletes. Here is a list of some of the greatest Korean judoka of all time, along with the amount of medals they have won at international competitions.

boy practicing martial art in nature boy practicing martial art in nature Korean Judo、 stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images

Stephen Booe

The author of the fantastic content you just read, Mathew Booe is a father of four, the husband of Jackie since 1994, a retired international competitor with more than 50 victories, an international seminar instructor, a master instructor of hundreds of Little Ninjas every week, and the one bringing it to you. To learn about his next works before they are made available to the general public, subscribe to the newsletter.

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