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Bull Kung Fu Infuses Martial Arts With Unusual Power

Even though many martial systems have taken inspiration from animals, certain species seem more logical on the surface than others. Consider the Bull as an example. This animal is renowned for its unbridled strength and aggression. It makes reasonable that a well-known martial art would be founded on it. How true is this, though? Does the martial arts have a Bull style?

Bull style Kung Fu exists, but it is not among the more well-known styles. This is mostly because of the strength and size often required to execute its tactics against all types of adversaries. There are also martial arts competitions that are held right alongside bulls, which are borderline bizarre.

The Bull Kung Fu style’s ties to other straightforward, power-based striking systems like Muay Thai and Boxing lend credence to the claims made in some historical accounts that it can be traced back to Chinese military traditions from many years ago. Learn more about the fundamental skills of the Bull style.

Martial Arts, Kung Fu, Kick, Asia

Bull Kung Fu: What Is It?

Although the word “bully” has two different etymological origins, one of them undoubtedly derives from words used in relation to bulls. Most people are aware of what is meant when they hear the phrase “bullish personality.” Does this refer to a martial art form with the same animal name? Bull Kung Fu is a martial art that focuses on using strength and bulk to deliver knee, elbow, and fist punches in straight lines. The fashion resembles a hybrid of American football and Muay Thai. With body blocks and ramming, there is also a hint of ice hokey.

The use of the head to attack, ram, or steer the opponent is another less developed aspect of the method. Although the headbutting technique is not fully developed inside the system, one can envision the impact given that both the sports of ice hockey and American football demand that all players wear standard helmets.

Although the art is intended for larger practitioners, this does not preclude smaller trainees from taking advantage of it. This does imply that it might be a sub-style or addition to a form of art more suited to their physical characteristics.

Bull technique does not use circular motions like many of the animal systems seen in kung fu. Instead, it takes the form of footwork that is linear or angular and uses timing, faints, and deception before full-on charges and powerful attacks.

Visit my article here to learn more about animal artwork and influences from throughout the world.

Is Bull Kung Fu The Rarest Martial Art? The Ultimate Martial Arts Animal Guide: Kung Fu, Karate, BJJ

Even as a 30-year martial arts veteran, I am surprised by the sheer number of animal styles found in the Chinese martial art schools. One of the things that fascinates me the most about many of these rare styles is how comparable they are to any individual who carves out a particular set of methods from much more generalized styles to create something uniquely their own.

The Bull form of Kung Fu is undoubtedly a rare style, if not the rarest. It is somewhat unknown when compared to Tiger or even Monkey type kung fu. Its fan base appears insignificant when contrasted to immensely well-known systems like Taekwondo or Judo and the associated sports.

When a sport has a following, practitioners at all skill levels—from amateur to expert—are prepared to train in it.

This brings up a further point with the Bull style and other unique arts. Even though they were developed over a separate historical period, many of them share the majority of their techniques with more widely used systems. Bull style and the enormously well-liked Muay Thai kickboxing method share a number of fundamental concepts.

Instead of demonstrating the fundamental efficacy of any approach, this illustrates the power of spectator sports. Although, to be fair, there is something to be said for the ability of martial arts to put both pupils and their abilities to the test while they are in an adrenaline-fueled condition.

Master Bull: Who Is He?

Master Bull may or may not have been a real human master in the past. You would be astonished at how persistent names like that are, but there is simply no solid proof of one existing. In the world of kid’s entertainment, we do have a Master Bull. Where is this Master Bull located?

A Master Bull makes a brief appearance in the Kung Fu Panda TV show from DreamWorks Animation. This might or might not be a reference to the Kung Fu Bull Style. He is regarded as the “Hammering Headache Technique” guru. He was also mentioned as having taken part in a prior competition at the Jade Palace.

He appears as a summoned character in the online Kung Fu Panda game. His contribution to the gameplay was mainly limited to the introduction of a minigame.

Karate, Man, Belt, Martial, Arts, Sports

Bullfighting in Kung Fu?

Therefore, yeah. Bullfighting with a Kung Fu style does exist. You could call it a sport, I suppose, but with so few participants (and viewers, for that matter), it might not be to everyone’s taste.

In a kind of wrestling match, a man faces off against a bull in the rare, little sport known as “Kung Fu Bullfighting.” The bull is being forced to lay down by a human, which goes against the animal’s natural instincts. Unlike the Spanish variant, bulls are not injured in Kung Fu Bullfighting.

The issue with taking these kinds of things seriously is that they often merely serve to exploit the animals while pretending to be a contest between man and beast.

Furthermore, even a novice martial artist can tell that the techniques necessary to bring these hand-raised bulls to the ground differ from those required to stop a bull from charging at someone trying to enter their pasture.

Additionally, animal rights organizations warn against watching either this or the gory Spanish form of bullfighting. Even if the injuries in Kung Fu Bullfighting are different, there may still be some issues with exploitation.

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