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Is Dog Kung Fu Really A Style Of Martial Art?

Dogs are regarded as the scavengers and survival of the streets in all urban and rural settings. Does this imply that the name-brand clothing they wear is intended for thugs and bullies? Is martial arts even something that parents or adult students should think about learning?

Dog, like many of the Chinese animal disciplines, kung fu is an organized martial art. For assault defense, it is based on low striking methods, ground striking. Additionally, it employs soft tissue strikes on crucial locations.

Before learning any type of martial arts, parents of young ninjas and adult students alike should investigate the techniques taught and the instructor’s point of view. Here, I’ll go over concerns that parents might have, as well as ideas that every older kid should think about. Let’s investigate Dog Kung Fu’s origins!

How Does Dog Style Kung Fu Work?

Dog style is a low line or ground oriented martial art, however it is not actually the same as ground based grappling in Judo newaza or Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. What then is the ground focus of Dog type Kung Fu about if it isn’t the same as a grappling style in the sense of a sport?

The techniques of the Dog Kung Fu style are based on a low line or ground-based boxing structure.  Chinese style small and large joint manipulation type grappling, lessens the emphasis on controlling pins and positions. Attacks on soft tissue are also included.

Beagle dog running around and playing with a stick Beagle dog running around and playing with a stick in the autumn field dog kung fu stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images

Instead of a sporting context where a limited range of methods can be tested at full speed without inflicting permanent injury, the system is intended for a self-defense or military use. Sport styles have advantages and disadvantages, but the strategies they use are extensively tested against resilient adversaries.

A significant portion of Dog Kung Fu’s non-sports strategy relies on soft tissue strikes and tiny joint manipulation that have the potential to permanently harm an opponent. Although not all of the system, this is a sizable component of it.

The startling nature of the work is its other side. From a crouching or kneeling position, the lower body kicks and hand strikes can resemble some MMA or cage fighting matches. Even so, the eyes, throat, and groin are frequently targeted areas.

With so many other animal systems in place that are more easily adaptable for a family context, it is rare that you will find a good instructor who has made the effort, even though this can be changed like many martial arts for kids.

Also, must be emphasized is that this is not the same as Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Judo, or wrestling for adults. These disciplines aim to strangle or joint lock an opponent and control them to the point of immobility.

Even though those techniques are present in Dog Kung Fu, transitional submissions and attacks are used as positions to change rather than attempting to completely control an opponent.

All of these serves to demonstrate that Dog Kung Fu is not only a variation on mixed martial arts or submission grappling. It has a separate focus, one that emerged independently of these other genres, for better or ill.

Is Dog Kung Fu a Distinctive Animal Martial Art?

In the Kung Fu or Wushu disciplines, there are numerous animal systems. Some are more well-known, such as the Tiger or Crane styles. Less so are styles like the bat, spider, or bear.

The Dog style of Kung Fu is a more uncommon sub-style of martial arts that frequently complements other more extensive, well-known systems. Because of its low to the ground base, it is less well-liked by some students and less useful in some circumstances. It’s hard to find it taught in stand-alone form.

The effectiveness of the idea is unaffected by this. Even though many martial art forms tend to be more performance-based than application-based, this can occasionally mask a sensible approach to fighting or defending.

The following two parts are mostly intended for adult learners seeking information or a master in Dog style to study with. The Dog style will most likely not be available in your area for parents with kids interested in martial arts, and if it is, it will be mostly for older teen to adult students.

The Dog Brothers Martial Arts Case

Even though the Dog Brothers Martial Arts system and Dog Kung Fu are unrelated in any way, decades of reunions and no-rules bouts produced an oddly comparable fighting style. In the midst of a fight, a whole other focus emerges as soon as big sticks and dull blades are added to the mix.

The Dog Brothers Martial Arts Association, which it founded, teaches a style that developed from several of these fights. It incorporates nearly every aesthetic that will function in this setting and adds the Kali (stick/baton art) and Pekiti Tersia (bladed art) weapons systems as its foundation.

I gained some insight into the combat philosophy that Dog Kung Fu students who train with the Dog Brothers embrace.

The hovering or squatting stances were one tactic I developed over the course of my years of combat with Dog Brothers Inc. This significantly favored them over a helpless foe. In addition to giving empty-handed attacks more power, weapons also improved and became harder to block.

This is something that exists in the Dog style of Kung Fu, albeit it is not precisely the same.

I experimented with the varied heights from squatting to standing and thought I had created something original and cutting-edge. I believed I had unearthed a priceless jewel. I only needed to take a cursory look at history to understand how absurd it was to try to “create the wheel.”

For centuries, it was deemed “check mate” to stand or kneel over a fallen foe with a blade at the ready. This position was recognized and used by everyone, including the prehistoric Babylonians, Egyptians, very powerful Greeks, and Romans.

Even if the specific form of Dog Kung Fu may be uncommon in and of itself, certain of the positions and methods used within it have a long military tradition.

Dog Kung Fu and the Position of Dominance

The position in Dog Kung Fu that either took its name from fighting dogs or was just influenced by them is one that has a long history of success. They are in a low, crouching, or kneeling position and use hand strikes, whereas historical equivalents used swords, shields, and spears.

This in no way implies that any teacher or pupil using the methods of this system will be skilled in application or have even been instructed by someone who has put the theory to the test in real resistance-based scenarios.

Here, I want to draw attention to the historical supremacy that the roles in the more obscure Dog Kung Fu actually possess. Even if this style is maybe uncommon now, some of its approaches have stood the test of time.

Even though empty hand striking without gaining control while on the ground may not be the best strategy, adding a weapon to the mix instantly turns the situation deadly.

It must be emphasized once more that only adult students are subject to this section of the conversation. Parents are severely discouraged from teaching military methods to kids who already have deformed consciences and minds.

Are Dog Kung Fu and Wolf Kung Fu the Same?

What connection if any does Dog style Kung Fu have to Wolf type Kung Fu? And does Wolf Kung Fu, a variant, exist?

Dog Kung Fu is not the same as wolf style. The Wolf style is reportedly a group-based tactic, in contrast to the Dog style, which is a systematized lower body and ground striking approach. Some people do not consider wolf style to be a true style, while others view it as an unconventional approach to group combat.

However, some schools have standardized technique groups and wolf-based defensive tactics. Even some schools assert that their ancestry originates in Ancient China.

These assertions must be taken at face value, just like many eclectic or niche fashions. Martial artists would need to test a style like Wolf Kung Fu to see for themselves how effective it is. Many people in the martial arts community have already done this with more widely practiced styles, but with these more niche ones, it is up to the individual.

Does Kung Fu Really Teach Dogs?

This particular meme, query, video, or comic commonly circulates online. Others are cute, some are funny, and some aren’t worth your time. But is it feasible to instill the Kung Fu martial arts and philosophy in a dog?

Dogs cannot learn Kung Fu, despite the fact that it is entertaining to see them duplicate certain movements or frame their behavior in terms of human behavior. Dogs can be taught some incredible things, like how to skateboard, but it is impossible for them to learn how to react to danger rationally and with human action.

You can call the dog’s innate impulse to attack—which manifests itself in its biting and pounce—whatever you like. Even Dog type Kung Fu would do. However, the true question that the average person is asking is, “Can a dog use human-style Kung Fu techniques?”

This is not to suggest that the fantasy genre has not adopted this idea. Young people have been enthralled by dogs in films and TV shows for decades. Let’s look at a couple of them.

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