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Martial Art Uniform Guide: White, Blue, Red, Black, Or No Gi

Depending on the cheapest material that could be purchased at the time, the hue was typically white or beige a century ago. Black or grey might occasionally be available. In the past, clothes were typically on the beige and grey range due to the high cost of bleaching and dyes.

Nowadays, given how simple it is to find fabric that has been dyed and bleached, teachers or students choose colors based on the rules of the system, the most recent craze, or just personal preference. There are many different colors to choose from, including standard hues like white as well as vibrant hues like pink and even camouflage.

There are four major widely used tones with all of these hues. Some fashions or schools associate specific meanings with the use of each color. Let’s examine these primary hues and see what they represent in some modern frameworks.

The Meaning of a White Gi

Even while belts are the main object of gi colors, there may be a deeper connotation. Sometimes wearing a white gi is required out of pure tradition and because it is the color the system’s creator wore. Sometimes it serves a higher philosophic objective.

The one that can mean the most for the majority of styles is the white gi. It typically denotes innocence and modesty. Pointing to both of these, it is typically the first color of gi a new student will don. To display the same qualities, all ranks can even wear nothing but white.

One of these will be put on by various systems and instructors while sporting a white gi. It truly relies on how the style’s creator initially put it up and how much freedom teachers and schools currently have.

Do you need white gis for children or adults?

I suggest these well-liked and reasonably priced options in white from Amazon.

Student Karate Uniform by Sanabul BJJ Jiu Jitsu Gi Pro Force 6 oz.
Adidas WTF Approved Taekwondo Uniform, Fuji Judo Uniform
The Meaning of a Blue Gi

The blue gi was created in response to a demand in athletic competition and the rise in popularity of hybrid styles that could be worn for everyday training. Is there a deeper meaning to the blue gi beyond its practical application?

Blue gis were created for practical purposes and have no particular connotation in the majority of the styles that employ them. They are employed to separate participants in martial arts such as Judo, Jiu-jitsu, and Sambo. This has led to the popularity of blue gis, especially in mixed martial arts systems.

In regular classes or private training, blue gis are typically used out of aesthetic preference. They frequently appear in BJJ, Judo, and American karate classes. For instance, many judoka will practice in white gis while carrying a blue “competition gi” in their luggage.

For unique dojo or school rules and preferences, students should be sure to ask their instructor.

For the low cost and durability of these blue gis, I would suggest getting one.

Adidas WTF Approved Taekwondo Uniform Sanabul BJJ Jiu Jitsu Gi Pro Force 6 oz. Student Karate Uniform Fuji Judo Uniform

A Red Gi: What Does It Mean?

In most fashions and systems, red gis are more of a fringe color. In order to distinguish them from pupils, instructors may employ them exclusively. Red has grown more prevalent for yet another reason.

Red kurtkas or wrestling jackets are frequently worn by Russian Sambo competitors during practice and competition. It has to do with the traditional color of Russia, red. When other styles require instructors or students to wear red gis, it’s more for flair than it is for any particular meaning.

Saying that a red gi is more for martial fashion than for philosophical views is not meant to belittle anyone’s decision. There are occasions when several students wear red gis or uniforms for demonstrations, which look fantastic.

The key is that they are mostly worn by Russian Sambo students and instructors, often with some sort of hidden significance. Most of the time, everyone else is content to gaze.

Red BJJ Gi Pro Force 6 oz. Student Karate Uniform from KO Sports Gear, Woldorf, USA Red Sambo Jacket from Russia

A Black Gi: What Does It Mean?

We’ve all seen the Hollywood representations of ninja skulking through a jungle or an alleyway while wearing black gis. Martial artists are also familiar with the black gi tops, stripes, and trim that teachers typically don. What are some of the black gis-related meanings supposed to mean?

The black gi, like the white gi, has a deeper cultural significance in some countries than other hues. In certain cases, this may have national political overtones, while in others, it may just have a rank connotation. However, some fashion trends give absolutely no meaning to black gis.

Since they first appeared on the martial arts scene, black gis have been linked to stealth, high rank, and cultural significance.

In actuality, ninja didn’t wear gis, teachers didn’t wear all-black attire at first, and civilizations just lately accepted black as a symbol of their national identity. Despite the fact that these are more modern meanings attached to the black uniform, some students and instructors find them to be significant.

Some martial arts, such as Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and American Karate, have no commonly accepted significance attached to gi colors. In “dojo fashion wars,” the black gi is merely one of many colors that are worn. Be sure to check before you or your children put on that new black gi because some instructors may assign their own meanings to them.

The North and South Korean cultures in the recent past show the most significant cultural characteristic. Later, when discussing unique styles and gi colors, I’ll touch on this. It should be sufficient to state at this point that historically minded Taekwondo and Tang Soo Do instructors have perceived black as being connected to North Korea.

Another specific note should be made here. Grey gis have recently become more prevalent in BJJ schools. Although this is a shade of black, the decision is typically made purely for aesthetic reasons rather than for any inherent or practical significance.

One of these would be my recommendation if you require a black gi.

Gi Vs No Gi: Why Some Wear A Gi And Some Don’t Sanabul BJJ Jiu Jitsu Gi Pro Force 6 oz. Student Karate Uniform Adidas WTF Approved Taekwondo Uniform

For almost a century, the Judogi or Karategi have served as emblems of the martial arts. They still remarkably resemble those worn in the early 20th century, despite the fact that they come in a variety of styles nowadays. What does No-Gi training include, and why has it grown so popular?

Many styles of martial arts have adopted no-gi training as an alternative to gi training as a response to the notion that particular types of clothes are necessary for certain techniques to be effective. No-gi applications don’t require that an attacker be dressed a certain way in self-defense scenarios.

Many people are unaware of how long no-gi style training has been popular and widespread. Most people believe it originated with the more contemporary “cage” or “No Holds Barred” fights and their creation of the now-famous UFC (Ultimate Fighting ChampionshipTM).

But no-gi training predates the existence of mankind. One instance is the inaugural Olympic Games, which took place more than 3000 years ago. The early Olympic wrestling competitions were not only staged without “gis” (which didn’t exist until thousands of years later), but they were also conducted entirely in the NUDE!

Judo, Sambo, and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu now have popular tournament circuits for jacket wrestling, a relatively new discipline. However, even these methods have been used in military instruction for centuries.

  • The ancients’ knowledge is still relevant today.
  • What has been shall be again,
  • Moreover, what has been done will be done again;
  • Nothing new has ever been discovered.

1:9 in Ecclesiastes (NRSVACE)

View a few of these to read some further articles I produced in response to queries from parents and students regarding the martial arts:

How Much Does It Cost To Become A Karate Black Belt?
Korean Yudo (Judo) – what is it?
How Long Is It Before You Master Taekwondo?

Which Gi color ought I to pick?

Depending on the style, there are many uniform possibilities for beginners to expert black belt aspirants. Even though upper level students only have a few alternatives for differentiation, novice pupils typically have a separate selection of outfits.

So that you can get a sense of the martial arts clothing landscape for your children or even yourself, let’s take a look at some of the more well-known styles of martial arts.

Some people might be surprised to learn that martial arts costumes, or gis, vary in material and color. While some of this is attributable to particular usage, a large portion of it is the result of past or present students’ or instructors’ preferences.

Colors of Karategi

In the early phases of Karate training, a white gi is by far the most popular color. Even in the upper to master rank levels, most fashions remain consistent and this hue is regarded as traditional. This obviously refers to a few of the primary systems of Japanese karate.

This rule book is ignored when examining hybrid or American Karate-derived systems. It’s common to find blue, red, black, green, or even pink gis in several of these more recent offshoots.

The American Karate systems, in particular, draw from many different styles of Karate, Taekwondo, Judo, and Jiu Jitsu to create their unique brand of fighting. The same holds true for gi color and type. They can be simpler for beginners, such as basic white or black, but with higher ranks or memberships, they can provide a wider range of gi colors.

I suggest this karate gi from Amazon because it’s affordable and sturdy.

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