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Will Martial Arts Help a Child Gain Muscle?

How Muscle Gain Works

Without getting too technical, knowing how muscle growth occurs will help you understand how martial arts can help kids acquire muscle.

Although it is clear that children and adults have different physiological needs, the formula for growing muscle is the same. Regardless of size or age, the body goes through the same procedure.

Skeletal muscles become stressed when they are forced to contract through movement repeatedly. Muscles need to be repaired after being under stress. During the repair phase, which happens while you’re sleeping or otherwise resting, your muscles grow and get stronger.

How Can A Child Bulk Up?

Muscle stress, metabolic stress, and muscle tension make up the trifecta for muscle gain.

Muscle tension is the prolonged contraction of a muscle.

Muscle stress is the result of repeated contractions, which causes tiredness and small muscle tears.

Exercise-related metabolic stress, also known as “feeling the burn,” is the use and destruction of energy.

Muscle increase will occur in an active child that engages in movements that demand metabolic stress, muscle tension, and stress on the muscles. Teenagers are more likely to experience muscular increase depending on the timing and the onset of puberty.

Children who have not yet reached puberty will acquire muscle as a result of their bodies being accustomed to regular resistance training. This entails engaging in body weight or resistance training many times each week, such as martial arts.

Is Muscle Gain Good for Children?

Children who acquire muscle benefit greatly.

  • strengthens the body as a whole
  • bolsters endurance for regular tasks and sports
  • builds a solid base of bone density
  • strengthens ligaments and tendons
  • a boost in self-assurance

Muscle memory is boosted by regular practice of particular movement patterns, like those found in martial arts. Naturally, the body adjusts and improves its capacity for movement.

Gaining muscle plays a significant role in the effectiveness of many body processes. Therefore, if these exercises are continued, the body will continue to build muscle.

Is Child Muscle Gain Bad, though?

There are significant limitations to be aware of. Gaining muscle is not the same thing as bulking up. Talking to kids about the advantages and disadvantages of attempting to gain weight too young can strengthen relationships.

It is recommended to practice martial arts to naturally build strength and muscle. It’s not wise to try to get huge muscles young. Children who start lifting weights put too much stress on their tendons and may slow down the growth of their bones and cartilage.

How Much Strength Can You Gain From Martial Arts?

Although martial arts training is heavily focused on skill development and takes a lot of time and effort to master, it will always be a demonstration of strength. The more time invested, like with all abilities and sports, the better and stronger one will become.

A child who practices martial arts might anticipate a gradual increase in muscular adaption over time. Jiu-jitsu and judo are two martial arts that demand a strong base. For instance, the strength of one’s hold against an opponent when using both arms and legs.

A child will start to discover they can lock down their opponent or throw a harder lot after more repetitions and practice; this is strength gain.

Which martial arts training produces the most muscle?
A child can engage in a variety of martial arts training techniques and acquire full-body muscle. Although they all have their own distinct methods and beliefs, all of them involve using the same muscles in incredibly repeated ways to build strength and muscle.


A martial art form from Japan that emphasizes discipline and self-defense techniques. It encourages the usage of all the major muscle groups and calls for the utilization of the entire body to complete the movements. It focuses on throwing an opponent or knocking them down in order to pin them in place. This is a full-body workout for kids without punching or kicking. Adults also experience choking holds and submission discomfort.


Despite being primarily based on Samurai armed movements, a Japanese martial arts technique that combines unarmed combat and physical training. Jujitsu also teaches how to utilize another person’s force against them, even if resisting another person’s force is a potent technique to develop muscle strength across the entire body. Jujitsu has the advantage of working both large muscle groups and tiny stabilizing muscles. From this more broad-based approach, judo was created.


Similar to Chinese Kung Fu and Korean TaeKwonDo, karate is a Japanese martial art. Punches, kicks, throws, and other assaults are used. It is a style of martial arts that emphasizes intense physical training, conditioning, and sparring, which entails one-on-one contact drills. Similar to how resistance-based repetition exercises gradually build muscle across the entire body.

More than just increased muscle mass

The practice of martial arts is well acknowledged to be an effective way to grow mentally and physically. And let’s not forget self-defense. Many forms of the arts emphasize discipline and mental development.

A child will remember the principles that are taught along with the physical exercises for the rest of their lives. It not only helps people discover more about themselves, but it also encourages self-control, teaches how to create goals, and fosters friendly rivalry.

Gain mental acuity

Martial arts have long placed a high value on mental strength. Without the youngster even recognizing it, martial arts can evolve into a vehicle for their own growth. This is fantastic for parents.

The deliberate and conscious repetition of martial arts movements and patterns trains a child’s mind to concentrate on the task at hand. The battle against an opponent during competition is lost if outside distractions are permitted.

Develop your sense of responsibility.

A child learns to accept responsibility for their own growth and triumphs through martial arts. The youngster is forced to learn an essential lesson that they will use in a variety of settings throughout their lives: practice and dedication lead to progress and advancement.

Additional Health Advantages of Martial Arts

Exercise is one of the most crucial factors in preserving mental health, particularly for young people. If you’d want to learn more, you might be interested in reading my other essay about how martial arts can benefit your child’s emotional well-being, which can be found here.

Understanding the power and effect the mind has over the ideas and actions of the body.
Executing the motions in martial arts produces a variety of skills that are transferable to all sports and activities, including stability and coordination.

Aerobic exercise is the cornerstone for developing a robust, long-lasting heart in terms of cardiovascular health.

Takeaway: Child Muscle Gain

Martial arts training can help a child develop muscle and lifelong abilities. When martial arts training is done properly, under the guidance and supervision of the parents, it can be good for a child’s health. A child can also strengthen their minds and pick up lessons that will help them later in life.

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